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Francesca Tyer

Writing Fantasy

Updated: Feb 19, 2021

Like all genres, fantasy writing has its challenges and its freedoms. While the imaginative possibilities are vast, the absence of reality can also make it more difficult to construct a believable plot.

The limitless possibilities connected to fantasy writing are thrilling. This article will offer some tips on how you can explore your imagination and write fantasy better.

Identify your market

Are you writing for adults, children, young people? Is there a specific group within these more general categories that you’d like to reach?

As an author, you should always be aware of your market, otherwise identified as your target audience. Without knowing where your book will be placed and who will read it, you may find it difficult to reach readers and meet their demands.

Having said this, you should ultimately write what your mind is telling you to put down on paper. To think too much about audience can quell the imagination, so while a consciousness of your audience is useful, don’t let it define your story.

Find your USP

No book is complete without a USP (Unique Selling Point). There are thousands of fantasy novels already on the market, and thousands currently being written, so finding your unique edge is important.

Your USP is personal to you. No idea is entirely new, but it’s up to you as a writer to find a fresh perspective. Write about what you love and what you know, but don’t be afraid to push the boundaries.

Read fantasy stories

All writers should be prolific readers and pay particular attention to books within their own genre. If you want to write fantasy better, you should read successful books within this genre and observe how it can be used.

Reading quality novels to gain inspiration isn’t a crime. It’s a great way to become knowledgeable about what is already on the market and to learn how different writers apply their craft.

Make your imagination believable

This doesn’t mean you should drown your story in facts or dull it down with lengthy explanations. Making your imagination realistic simply requires the ability to bring your story to life.

Readers want to believe in the stories they are reading and find a sense of escapism. A poor plot will imply that you don’t have faith in your own creations. Write to show readers that your world is real and convince them to believe in your story.

Do some research

If you’re writing fantasy, it’s likely that you’ll draw upon your knowledge of the world to inform your ideas. Stories are often based on real places, people, and events, and the world around you is the best place in which to conduct research.

Visit or read up about locations around the world, learn about real events, think about your own experiences, note down your dreams. Through observation, experience, and knowledge, you can create fantastical worlds that will leap from the page.

Know your world inside out

If someone were to ask you a character's middle name, would you know it? Would you be able to talk about their background or describe minute details about your settings?

To build believable settings and plots, you need to know your fantasy world inside out. Learn everything there is to know: where it is, what it looks like, what makes it a fantasy creation.

Laying out details which you can refer to time and time again will help you keep your writing accurate, succinct, and convincing.

If you write fantasy stories, we'd love to know what you do to make your writing believable.

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